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Prepare your child for life beyond pre school and primary school!
Our Pocket Money Bundle is specially designed for ages 5 and above, as children prepare themselves to make purchases independently in primary school (or even convenience stores!)
In our busybook Count, Spend, Save, spin the wheel to determine how much money is given at the start of school, with the "money" provided, (or feel free to use your own money), your child can learn to count, pay and receive change for items that they have chosen to purchase in the busybook!
Your child will have to decide how the much of their money will be spent and the amount to saved up. At the end of the week, find out how much savings they have accumulated!
Together with Owl Readers Club, this bundle includes a beginner's guide on financial literacy for children. 💰 The interactive story in this book takes you to a special place 👉🏻 a primary school, where you will learn how to use your notes and coins for recess. It also offers purchase scenarios of canteen food, and teaches you to count your notes and coins in various ways!
Enjoy the Guide Page, Word Bank and Activity Page at the end for some family fun!
Our all new Pocket Money Bundle is perfect to help prepare your child for primary school and more! Bundle consist of busybook from BFF and Money Friends book from Owl Readers Club.